Thursday, June 25, 2009


Women will undoubtedly understand just how much premenstrual syndrome can affect the appetite. When the body is preparing for menstruation, it may start to crave certain things.

Sometimes this can be something that has a legitimate purpose, such as craving red meat or beans, which contain iron that can help replenish the blood that is about to be lost.

Other times, this can be high-carbohydrate, high-fat foods like ice cream, chocolate, cookies, candy, pizza, French fries, potato chips, and other fatty foods.

PMS can also cause depression and other emotional imbalances that can lead to emotional eating. These are actually quite common with PMS, and there’s not a lot you can do about it.
Whenever PMS strikes, your best bet is to proceed as you would with emotional eating. Call on your support network as much as possible. They will be able to help you through it.

You should also give into your cravings if you think you can keep them under control. A couple of squares of chocolate can help you weather the storm, but only if you can be sure you won’t go overboard.

If you are certain you can keep your cravings under control, it’s okay to have a small piece of cake, a bowl of ice cream, or a couple of slices of pizza during PMS.

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